After having presented its restyled Venezia saddle concurrent with its 40th anniversary, Prestige Italia now brings to market the new version of another saddle that has made its name and given a global profile to the distinctive white band marking of this firm from Vicenza. That saddle is its Elastic Professional model, characterised by its extreme versatility and the unbeatable stability it provides to both expert riders and beginners . Elastic Professional, as renewed, is notable for a more aggressive look and a sleeker shape. Two improvements of a technical kind have been made: the first affects the rider and the second concerns the comfort of the horse. A change to the tree has produced a narrower twist, so giving greater close contact. The base on which the panels rest is wider and ensures a better distribution of weight over the back of the horse together with greater freedom of movement for the animal’s shoulders. The hides, too, are new: the seat and the knee rolls are covered in soft oiled bovine leather that guarantees a grip, making for greater safety. All the other technical features are unchanged: the medium-depth seat with its square-shaped cantle, the well-known "rialto” rolls for total safety in the saddle, and the panels flocked with Dacron synthetic fibre. A "D” version of the saddle is also available and is completely lined with soft oiled bovine leather.