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Eric Le Tixerant Girth Short
Eric Le Tixerant Girth Short
Eric Le Tixerant Girth Short

Eric Le Tixerant Girth Short

Le Tixerant
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 New in at The Saddlery, The Eric Le Tixerant Comfort Girth. This Girth is designed to allow the horse's ribs to expand and contract without any restriction. This provides extreme comfort to the horse, for easier breathing and movement in the chest area, without chafing behind the elbows. This helps improve the horses performance, allowing free movement over a fence without the risk of pinching, and also reducing pressure to the girth area. The Girths panel is lined with a non-slip alveolar rubber and is positioned over the sternum to keep the saddle centralized on the horse and fully secure to prevent the saddle from slipping.